Faith Living Well Money Relationships

Is There a “Christian” Way to Run Your Business?

The Christian entrepreneur is increasingly common in the modern business place and growing in number as more and more people leave the traditional workforce and start their own businesses. Whether your company is tied to a church, Bible-based ministry, or has nothing to do with your religion, find out if there is a “Christian” way to run your business.


The Heart of Your Business


Proverbs 22:1 advises us to choose a good name rather than great riches. Matthew 19:24 states that it is “easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle” than for a rich man to enter God’s Kingdom. The Bible does not elevate the rich above the poor – in fact, it’s the contrary. Your business should not focus on making you the richest person you know, but rather doing good for other people.


Starting a business should be about more than just making money. You should want to solve a problem or fill a need in your community. You should conduct business with honesty and the upmost integrity, treating customers and business partners as you would want them to treat you (Leviticus 19:18). No matter what product or service you provide, your company should be steeped in high moral standards.


Take Lessons from the Bible


Leviticus 19:13 explains a principle of paying employees on time, stating that a worker’s wages should not “remain with you all night until morning.” Pay your employees on time. Deuteronomy 24:14 tells us not to abuse a “needy and destitute laborer.” Treat your employees well, fairly, and equally. Leviticus 19:14 tells us not to trip the blind or take advantage of the disadvantaged. Treat all your customers fairly, and do not cheat them. Christian business owners can learn many lessons from reading the Bible.

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