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Four Books to Teach Young Children About God

Teaching young children about God in a way that’s theologically faithful to scripture while still age-appropriate can be a challenge. While reading the Bible together and explaining it to our children ourselves is certainly a necessary and beneficial way to teach our kids, there are many other books that can be great resources as well. We’ve compiled a few below that can help your child see God in new, relatable ways.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones
Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing is a devotional-style book written for young children without sacrificing the truth of scripture. It doesn’t gloss over hard topics like sin, but it presents the joy and love of God in equal measure. The beautiful, witty writing from Sally Lloyd-Jones will engage your child in a relevant way, capturing their attention and teaching them truths about God’s character and their identity in Christ.

Psalms for Young Children by Marie-Helene Delval
This book is another collection that keeps intact the integrity of the Bible while delivering it in words children can easily understand. These Psalms will encourage your children just as the original text does, reminding them that God is there when they feel tired, joyful, scared — or any other emotion — and that He is victorious over all things.

Parables Jesus Told by Ella K. Lindvall
A great way to teach children about God is by introducing them to Jesus’ parables. Though they require some abstract thinking, children are creative and imaginative, and stories resonate with everyone — especially children. Parables are layered with truth and reveal more each time they are read. In fact, these retellings can be just as challenging to your faith as an adult as they will be to your child.

The Story of Esther by Eric A. Kimmel
Picture book versions of Biblical character stories are perfect for teaching your children more about God and how he relates to His people. This one in particular explains the thrilling story of Esther, a testament to God’s provision and faithfulness, and goes more in depth than a typical children’s Bible would. This book would be even more fitting for young girls, who can see that girls are capable of doing great things for God — just like boys — through this story.

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