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Encouraging Scriptures for Divorced Women

Christian women often hide their divorced status because they believe they are condemned. While the Bible makes clear that God hates divorce, it also makes clear that He comforts and supports divorced people and expects them to be treated with compassion. If you’re a divorced woman, Scripture provides hope and compassion for you.

Proverbs 3:5-6

This passage reminds us to trust in the Lord and “lean not on [our] own understanding.” During a divorce, it’s easy to lean on what makes sense to us. Women going through divorce may ask themselves things such as, “What could I have done differently? Is this my fault? How am I going to provide for myself?” While you should work through these anxieties, it’s important to do it with an eye on how God will take care of you. He may not show you why the divorce happened, but He will provide for you in it physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

1 Corinthians 7:15-17

This passage speaks directly to a believer married to an unbelieving spouse. It absolves the believer of guilt should the unbeliever decide to leave or ask for a divorce. In these situations, the believing spouse often says, “I could have saved him” or “I should’ve worked harder to change him.” Remember, you cannot save anyone; only God does that.

Philippians 4:19

This is another verse that assures God will supply what you need in divorce, though it doesn’t apply only to material needs. Surrounding verses discuss the riches of God’s grace and mercy, which divorcees need but don’t always receive from their churches. Philippians 4:19 encourages other believers to provide these spiritual riches.

1 Comment

  • Nice scripture for divorced women.
    “Women going through divorce may ask themselves things such as, “What could I have done differently? Is this my fault? How am I going to provide for myself?” While you should work through these anxieties, it’s important to do it with an eye on how God will take care of you.”
    This is a touchable line 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!