Living Well

Five Fun Fall Wardrobe Hacks

It’s autumn and it’s starting to get cold outside! But that doesn’t mean you have to put away all of your summer clothes or even buy a bunch of new ones. Here are five fun fall wardrobe hacks:

Layer Long Sleeves with a Shorter Dress

If you have a short sleeved dress, or even a dress with thin straps, it can often be paired either over or under a thin sweater or long sleeves. As you layer, make sure that the collars of the two pieces are flattering against one another, in other words, don’t pair a shirt and a dress with the exact same collar, but one that rests flat and compliments the other.

Try a Capsule Wardrobe

Instead of buying a bunch of new clothing items, try investing in a few pieces that you can mix and match easily. This makes dressing yourself much easier and also cuts down on laundry.

Add a Cardigan

You can still wear a lot of the clothing items you wore over the summer, but add a cardigan and maybe a scarf to them to warm yourself up.

Look into Leggings

Leggings that fit properly are wonderful for the colder months. You can often wear skirts and dresses from the rest of the year with a nice pair of leggings or a longer shirt or sweater. Sometimes you can find leggings with a fun pattern and wear them with a more simple top for some extra fun!

If you’re in a colder area, look for fleece-lined leggings.

Try a Poncho

There are a lot of stylish ponchos out on the market and you really only need to find one good one to make going from indoor to outdoor an easy transition during the autumn months. They can double as a coat or top sweater when you’re in colder indoor environments like church or an office.

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