Christian Living Resources Living Well

How to Save Money with Digital Coupons

Many of us grew up watching our parents clip coupons from the Sunday paper, their wallets often overflowing with slips indicating savings of 55 cents off dish detergent or cereal. Though clipping coupons has fallen by the wayside for many people, others have found great value in calculating sales and applying coupons, spending hours per week organizing and planning. For those of us who are in between, digital coupons can be a great way to save money with little time spent.

Most grocery stores now have their own smartphone apps, and on those apps are coupons (along with other helpful tools like weekly sales). The great thing about these coupons is you can add them to your account or rewards card for easy access without having to remember to bring the paper coupons to the store with you to redeem them.

Some apps allow you to add the coupons to your rewards account, storing them on your card until you scan it or input your information at checkout. Even if you added the coupon to your account weeks earlier to your shopping trip, if the coupon is not yet expired, it will still apply automatically to your order.Other stores’ apps require you to open the app and have the cashier scan the coupon bar code on your phone’s screen in order to redeem. Either way, it’s hard to be caught without the coupons if they’re on your phone or already in your account. All you have to do is remember to check the app once a week or so and load up!

Next time you are meal planning or getting ready to go to the store, check to see if your favorite grocer has an app you can download and peruse the available coupons. You might be surprised at the money you’ll save!