Christian Living Resources Faith Living Well

Led by the Holy Spirit in the New Year

Led by the Holy Spirit in the New Year

We like to reflect while heading into a new year on the ways that we can improve. We strive to do better by giving ourselves resolutions to improve our health, our finances, and our lives. In past years we set these goals in our minds and attempt to carry them out in our own strength. Our strength fails sooner or later and before much of the new year has passed, our resolutions have been set aside for one reason or another.

What if we only set resolutions to improve guided by the Holy Spirit and enabled by His great power? Romans 8:14 says,

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”

This leading of the Holy Spirit is what gives each child of God the spirit of adoption so that we become heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ Paul continues to write in Chapter 8. Children of God can be led and guided by his Holy Spirit in all the endeavors of life.  If it is important to us, it is important to God. We do not have to labor under our own strength in our own understanding. We can be led by the Spirit of God to improve in the new year and throughout the entirety of the year. Jesus proclaimed in John 16:13 that,

“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth,…”

In whatever ways that you seek to improve in this new year, be led by the Holy Spirit of God and rest in God’s peace and truth to assist your efforts to succeed. If we allow ourselves to be guided by the direction of the Holy Spirit our resolutions will be obtainable without great struggle or great guilt for failing in keeping them. Philippians 4:7 states that

“the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

We do not have to set any resolutions but if we follow the leading of God’s Holy Spirit, we will improve while maintaining God’s peace within us. Shalom and Happiest of New Years to you!