Living Well Money

Poverty & Your Faith

We know that the Bible tells us in James 2:14-26 that faith without works is dead. When it comes to addressing extreme poverty, many Christians feel conflicted about whether or not they should be giving some of their time and income to the poor. And if not whether or not they should, but how much they should. Comment below and let us know what God has placed on your heart.

Should I Be Giving to the Poor?

The answer is something you need to be praying about, and possibly even talking to a Christian Financial Advisor. As always, God judges us on our hearts, but we do need to realize that the Bible makes it very clear (over and over and over again) that we are to care for the poor. However, as you are able, you should look at the needs in your local community and around the world and ask God what he would like for you to do to help alleviate pain and suffering.

Remember that money in this life, just like every blessing, comes from and belongs to God, not us. We are simply stewards of our gifts.

Combating Poverty Doesn’t Always Have to Be About Money

If you are unable to give money, or even if you are able to, remember that the Lord has blessed you with specific gifts that you can use to bless others. Perhaps you can use your leadership skills to organize a group of people at church to collect and deliver supplies to the local homeless community. Are you good with computers? Reach out to a local nonprofit to see if you can offer your services so that their offices can run more smoothly.

Even if you don’t have any special skills, many churches and organizations are able to care for the poor because of volunteers. Everyone can serve meals in a soup kitchen, help build a home, organize supplies, or do something similar to help serve those in need.


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