Christian Living Resources Family Money

Mother’s Day Gifts on a Budget

We all know that moms deserve to be pampered and treated like queens because of the many sacrifices they make and for all of the countless hours that they have served us when we needed them most. But what if the pampering she deserves isn’t exactly in the budget?

Here are a few idea for lower-cost and budget-friendly ideas for gifts for mom this Mother’s Day:

Go for an Experience

Often the mental load of going through a single day is overwhelming for moms. Instead of spending a bunch of money, perhaps you can create a thoughtful experience where you take care of everything. That means that she doesn’t have to plan anything, prepare anything, clean up anything, or assist in anything. She might just want some time to herself to go out and be alone, or she might like a day at the beach. Think about what she loves most and make it easy and accessible for her.

DIY Spa Day

Instead of sending mom to an expensive day at a spa, create an at-home version for her. Clean the house and leave her alone in the house for several hours. Buy her a nice facial mask, massage tools, cream lotions, and other items that will let her do things like give herself a manicure, pedicure, deep condition her hair, steam her skin, etc.

Decorate Something She Uses Daily

You don’t have to buy something brand new, but think about any items that she already has that she wouldn’t mind getting a little loving decor from the kids. Perhaps she has a plain apron or bedside lamp that she wouldn’t mind getting an upgrade? Consider making some artwork out of (another copy of) her favorite book. Get creative and you might find something she’ll love!

Give Her Time

Sometimes moms are the very worst about self-care. Create a routine where at least once a week she gets a few hours to herself to go out with friends, relax, take a nap, or just spend some time with the Lord without interruption.

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