As children begin to move into teenager-hood, parenting can become increasingly challenging. It can...
Author - GEB
5 Tips for Boosting Your Metabolism
Did you know that people with a higher metabolism have lots of energy and, generally, feel...
Three Books on How to Love Your (Literal) Neighbor
As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors — that is, everyone. But one of the most...
Five Ways to Embrace a Blended Family
There are a myriad of ways families come together — some more challenging than others. One of the...
5 Healthy and Filling Salads
We are all trying to eat healthier, right? But have you ever had a salad for lunch or dinner, only...
How Friendship Impacts Your Health
The wise King Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have...
What the Bible Says about Settling Disagreements
We all have disagreements. Some are big, some are really big. But as Christians, we’re called to...
Budgeting for Your Summer Vacation
Ready for a summer getaway? Aren’t we all! If you’ve been dreaming of sandy beaches or...
Is It Rude to Say No?
When someone tells you no, does it hurt your feelings or make you feel rejected? Maybe, but...
Great DIY Father’s Day Presents
Are you looking for some meaningful gifts ideas? DIY (Do It Yourself) is the way to go! But even...