College is an exciting, frightening, and difficult transition period for every teen. Arguably, Christian teens have a more difficult time because they are moving away from their parents’ faith foundations and their churches. Current studies show that just over 70% of Americans surveyed identify as Christian, and more millennials than ever are leaving the church and the faith. However, starting college does not have to mean losing faith.
Seek Out Other Christians
If you are a prospective Christian college student, seek out other Christians. Christians who try to go solo are more vulnerable to doubt and skepticism. If you are commuting or live close to home, stay plugged into your old church. If not, find clubs like Campus Crusade. Start a small Bible study group in your dorm. Pray with other Christians regularly.
Carve Out “Jesus Time”
When you hear this phrase you might think of “quiet time,” but fellowshipping with Jesus does not have to mean sitting still in a chair, locked in your dorm room. Jesus time can be anything that glorifies Him. Go on a nature walk and pray, thanking God for His creation. Listen to Christian music while working out. Join a Christian book club or create a Bible verse board on Pinterest.
Lead by Example
Most of your fellow classmates are probably not going to approach you and ask for a Gospel presentation. However, they will notice the example you set. Show up for class on time, meet your deadlines, and be respectful to the professor and other students. Look for ways to show compassion and kindness every day.
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