
Coping With Autism

Incidences of autism are estimated at 1 in 68 live births. If your child has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it can be frightening and frustrating. Keep in mind that more is known about autism now than ever before, and your child can succeed with help.

Remember That Every Case Is Different

Autism is different for every child. People with autism are often stereotyped as nonverbal, constantly stimming, and unable to care for themselves or socialize. This is a worst-case scenario and is usually based in ignorance. In reality, many children with autism are highly verbal with average to above-average intelligence. Some children with ASD do have trouble socializing and functioning independently, but they can overcome these obstacles with proper support.

Learn All You Can

Knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you can help your child. Educate yourself about treatment options such as Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), cognitive behavioral therapy, and physical and occupational therapy. Determine how much therapy your child will need, and balance therapy with family time and leisure time.

Stay Scheduled

Many children with autism thrive on routine and structure. Keep disruptions to a minimum at home. Ensure your child’s teacher is prepared for an autistic child in his or her classroom.

Catch Them Doing Well

Praise children with ASD for specific good behaviors, such as acting appropriately or learning something new. Use special interests to reward good behavior, but interests and favorite things shouldn’t be exclusively tied to your child’s behavior.