Faith Health

3 Ways to Keep Spiritually Healthy

As a Christian, it’s important that you remain spiritually healthy. Most people would say spiritual health means reading the Bible and praying. While these practices are crucial, there are other important ways to maintain spiritual health.

Get Quiet

We live in a noisy, fast-paced, technologically dependent world. It can be difficult to find a quiet place to pray, journal, study the Bible, or meditate. Yet this is exactly what you should do. You can have a “prayer closet” in the study or bedroom, but you can also seek solitude in nature or a quiet coffee shop. Unplug all technology for at least 30 minutes, and simply let yourself be quiet.

Serve Others

Christianity isn’t a one-person religion. Jesus commands us to love others, and that means serving others. Volunteer at a homeless or animal shelter, a library, a school, or wherever you can use your gifts. While serving, thank God for the opportunity. In fact, serving can boost your gratitude in other areas as well. Think of one thing to thank God for every day.

Be Careful What You Expose Yourself To

Does God get mad if you watch a movie with cursing in it or listen to “Cell Block Tango?” No. However, constant exposure to things that aren’t edifying can hurt your spiritual health. Practice spiritual discernment about what entertainment to avoid, and stick to your convictions. If you’re unsure about something, ask God for specific guidance. As hard as it may seem, walk away if you need to. Choose Christian entertainment when possible.

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