Did you know that an act of kindness might actually lower your blood pressure? According to an article in Good Housekeeping, a chemist by the name of David Hamilton has studied the health benefits of kindness. Hamilton says that performing a kind act releases into your brain the same chemical that surges when you hold your baby or snuggle a dog. This chemical, in turn, then lowers your blood pressure for a time. “Kindness is literally good for your heart,” says Hamilton.
The article continues with a list of “Fifty Simple Acts of Kindness.” Number 1 says, “Leave a bouquet of flowers at the hospital—the nurses will know who needs it the most.” Number 13 says, “Send a thank-you note to the officers at your police station.” Number 15 says, “Arrange to pay for a soldier’s breakfast when you see him or her dining alone.” Number 31 says, “Leave some quarters for the next person at a vending machine.” Number 37 says, “Relay an overheard compliment.” Number 46 says, “Pay the toll for the car behind you.” And number 48 says, “Rescue a wallflower. Strike up a conversation with someone who’s standing alone at a party.”
But here’s the thing. While it may be true that performing acts of kindness may be good for the heart, Christians have a far greater reason. As Christians, we can immerse ourselves in the joy of serving others because of what Jesus Christ has already done for us and for all. Out of a love we will never fully grasp, God became one of us in the Person of Jesus. He lived a perfect life on our behalf. He suffered and died for our every failure, our every wrong. Then he rose from death and now lives to keep his promises to us every single day.
When we demonstrate kindness toward someone else, we are celebrating the forgiveness we possess through faith in Christ. When we demonstrate kindness toward someone else, we are seizing an opportunity to thank our Savior. When we demonstrate kindness toward someone else, the Lord can use us to build a bridge—a bridge by which the Good News of Jesus can cross to touch one more blood-bought soul.
Lord Jesus, through faith in you I am blessed beyond measure. Open my eyes to see how I may celebrate you. Move me to give moments of kindness to those who need them. Amen.

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