Did you know that, other than Christmas, Easter Sunday is the highest attended Sunday of the entire...
Author - GEB
Easter Crafts and Decorations
As we look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, it is so fitting that the season is...
Springtime Exercises
Now that the days are getting longer and the temperature is starting to warm up (slightly)...
Spring Cleaning Hacks
It’s spring and now all of those projects that have been piling up all winter long are...
3 Lessons From the Minor Prophets
Many Christians skip or skim minor prophet books such as Nahum, Habakkuk, Malachi, and Zechariah...
A Christian Guide to Forgiveness of Others and Yourself
The Bible repeatedly tells us that forgiveness is essential to your faith and salvation. Despite...
Should I Be Taking Vitamins?
It’s often joked that vitamins are an easy way to flush your money down the toilet. But is...
African American Faith Heroes
In honor of Black History Month, we wanted to specifically acknowledge some African American faith...
The 5 Love Languages and You
You may have heard something about this topic before at church or among friends, but did you know...
Don’t Let Comparison Steal Your Joy
Have you heard the saying that comparison is the thief of joy? It’s true, isn’t it? How many times...